Things In My Mind

Hey there! This is going to be a very obscure post, just so yalls knows… So, there’s this world in my mind. it sounds cliche for a writer, but it’s a place I visit when I need an escape. So I figured, since I haven’t posted in a while, I’d let you in on my little world… just a little bit. 🙂 So this is a collection of things that remind me of Pocketwatch.

first, here’s some photos that strike me strongly of my world… but I won’t tell you why. 🙂 I guess you’ll have to read the story one day to find out.

The scene that keeps me motivated to write is the two main OCs dancing barefooted in the ballroom. This is a big obstacle for reasons I will not reveal. 🙂 This is the first time that he sees her as gentle, rather than harsh and deadly. Even on the days I feel like doing nothing, I can sit and dream about this scene. The whole thing is a very soft moment for such a dark world at the brink of destruction.

There’s this song called “Like A Pawn” by Austin Giorgio; it’s Ariana Grande’s famous song “7 Rings” from the guy’s perspective. I found it originally through a clip on instagram, and that song completely changed the makeup of my main character and the story I wanted to write. At first, the story I had tried so many times to write involved the classic Princess & Knight In Shining Armor trope in some way or another. And it just wasn’t working. But when I shifted the power dynamics to the girl instead of the guy, it blew me out of the waters how much easier it was to stay motivated and keep the story going. Here’s the lyrics that inspired me to make this change.

“Been through some bad guys who left her with vengeance… She once was a lover, was taken for granted. Lost all her trust and they shattered her dreams, now she’s a wolf dressed up like a black sheep. She’s sweeter than brandy, but don’t get it twisted…”

Like a Pawn – Austin Giorgio

Overall, I really love the aesthetic this world gives. I was also inspired by the Shadow and Bone tv show, that I finally sat down and watched. I dunno if it’s accurate to the books, since I haven’t actually read them, but some of the character dynamics and rough ideas were very cool to me and inspired me to keep being creative with my storyline and characters.

Another thing I like about this world is that it has absolutely no references to time or ages in the real world. They wear tshirts, fancy dresses, leather boots, special gloves… pretty mush whatever I feel like is most appropriate to the scene. All of the world building is carefully created to wrap around the characters like a sheet, seamless but non-suffocating. Enough history to create a web of lies, but loose enough to keep most things shrouded in mystery. To me, experiencing anything in the story is like walking in a quiet misty forest. You can’t see very far, but it is pin-drop silent. And it feels like every move you make shifts all the air around you, your movement echoing throughout the whole space. I dunno. It’s just really peaceful and calming to me.

This is a playlist that I really love and listen to frequently. Sometimes if I’m having a bad day, I’ll take a shower and listen to this with the light of my phone’s flashlight to see. It helps me fight off overstimulation and crowded thoughts. It also, for some reason, always makes me think of this story. So I figured I should leave a link haha
It’s so calming aaahhh

Here’s the link to my We♡It collection. Some of it is a little outdated, but overall it sums up the story pretty well. Lies On Their Lips (The Pocketwatch World)

And that’s all I’m going to share today. Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Is there anything else you’d like to know about this world? All questions are welcome, though I may not answer if I want to keep the answer a mystery. 😉

♡, Shortie

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