Hey! I know I’ve already made a post today, but I wanted to do another. This one is dedicated to my friends and family.

To my mom

Thank you mom for raising me to be a God-fearing, stubborn, food-loving weirdo. You do so much for our family and you are our real life superwoman. It can’t be easy to bring up two kids in today’s world. I know I wasn’t the easiest kid to manage, and I’ve screwed up a lot. Thank you for being patient with me and loving me through all my mistakes and stupidities. (And for buying me Star Wars t-shirts on my rough days.) Thanks for all the amazing home-cooked meals, and thank you for not making meatloaf anymore. Thanks for all the girls days and nail appointments on my birthday and buying me hair dye when I didn’t like myself. Thanks for loving me. I’m so proud of you and all that you’ve done and I’m glad to call you my mom. I love you.

To my dad

Thank you dad for my long toes, long lashes, and goofy sense of humor that always shows up at the wrong times. I know we don’t see eye to eye on everything, but I’m glad that you love me anyways. Thank you for all the weird usernames you’ve inspired over the years, and all the times that you explained things to me 100x because my thick skull didn’t understand. Thanks for all the wacky science projects and conversations about movies, books and music. Thanks for always driving me to the vet on the bad days. Thanks for my first tattoo. I know life isn’t easy for a man working to support his family, but you’ve done a great job. Thank you for never giving up on me. You’re awesome and my hero and I love you, papa.

To my little brother

Thanks for all the blanket forts and wii ski. I know it isn’t easy to put up with a moody and introverted big sister, but I hope I haven’t totally wrecked your life. And no matter how much I SeVeReLy wanted to stick a fork in your neck when you played wii bells obnoxiously, I still love you. Thanks for all the minetest buildings we’ve accidentally burned down, (it’s your fault for wanting a lava hot tub) and thanks for all the good memories. Like when I got mad after I found out that you’d built a bedroom for yourself off the side of my house. And when you hatched a thousand chickens in my house. And when you let a zombie in my front door. And when you ate my cake. And when you “accidentally” re-routed my roller coaster. Thanks for putting up with your boomer snowflake sister. Love ya.
(P.S. You had your own MANSION, whY did you feel the need to make a secret room for yourself Off thE siDe oF My hOusE?!?)

To my Sweet Peep

Thank you for being my best friend. No matter how much of a wreck I am, you always stick by me. Through all the sleepless nights and evil math teachers and baked goods and hilarious thrifting adventures… you always cheer me up when I’m having a bad day. You make me laugh and smile. Despite all the MLP PotO marathons and the super weird candy sushi, you’ve stuck around. You let me crush your hand at the haunted asylum escape room, and you stopped my tears quickly. No matter how many gunshots or animatronics or sPiLLeD cHeCKeRs we had to face, you helped me through. You don’t judge me when I’m awkwardly sunburned or when I stuck an entire pretzel rod in my mouth. Thanks for always being yourself when the rest of the world felt fake. And no matter how many games of the Akinator that we play, he could never guess how much you mean to me. Love you my queen.

To my Drummer Boy

Thank you for being my “Destiny and chicken”. Thanks for putting up with me and always calming me down when I’m upset. I know things get weird sometimes, and for that I’m sorry. Awkwardness and I are a package deal. But for all the hamsters in the world, I couldn’t give you up. You’re always there for me even when I’m a mess. You never give up on me. You always make sure I feel loved. You always call me beautiful even when I look like a potato. (That got hit with a tennis racket.) (Then got run over.) I know I’m frequently apologizing for my imperfections, but you still welcome me with open arms. Your hugs always patch up my screwed-up heart, and WTH, HOW do you smell so good? You always cheer me up. Through all the fake mustaches and sticky stretchy hands and freaky fireworks, through being chased by a big dog and covering you in stickers, through every single “I’m sad” phone call and crazy homework project and overdue hug and visit with my grandma… you’re always there for me when I need you. I always feel safe with you, no matter which protest or funeral we’re in the middle of. You make me laugh so hard that I can’t breathe. You make dark jokes that assure me I’m not alone, and you aren’t afraid to be honest with your feelings. Thank you for being my person, even when being my person is hard. You’ve changed my life x∞. I love you.
(P.S. Caramel kisses always.)

Happy thanksgiving, everybody!

♡, Shortie