Hey y’all! I just had possibly my worst encounter with a doctor, and I wanted to share my experience. Please keep in mind that this story does deal heavily with my opinions, politically and medically speaking. I’m not looking for any hate, just want to share my experience.
So, I visit a counselor every week. (In case you guys haven’t noticed, I’m not the most stable individual.) Well, she started to feel sick on Sunday night. Monday morning, she went to get tested for Covid-19. She tested positive.
The thing is, we do not wear masks when we meet. I signed an agreement that stated that I would not hold her responsible if anything happened. Neither of us agree with the mask idea, so we decided to not wear them. She called us on Monday, saying that she had tested positive and we should quarantine until we could talk to a doctor.
My dad went to the doctor the next day, (for an unrelated matter) and asked the doc what we should do. He told us to quarantine until Thursday, and then to go and get a covid test. So we did what he said.
When it came time for the test, he asked my mother (who was also getting tested) and I several questions. Of course, included in these questions was “do you have any Covid-19 symptoms?” My mother answered that she had been a little extra tired, and I mentioned that I have a cough and a headache. My cough is due to the fact that I am allergic to cats, but share a room with two of them. The allergies are unbelievable. I’ve been coughing for 2+ years because of them. The headache is because I was high on caffeine for several days last week, and I am still going through withdrawals. I told him such.
Then he started asking about my counseling session. He asked how far away I sit from her (roughly 6 feet), how long I was in the room with her (around an hour), and if we were wearing masks. When I said no to the last question, he just blinked in horror. Then he said, “You weren’t wearing masks?” We, again, confirmed. He asked why. My mom told him that we didn’t have to wear masks there, and we had signed an agreement. He grew silent for a moment, and then had the audacity to say, “You shouldn’t go back there.” My mom and I were both shocked. We asked why. He said that because she had “broken the law” (which she hadn’t), she was not suitable. Tell me, what’s more important? Giving up a counselor that I’m bonded with so that I can be anxious while wearing a mask that I don’t even believe in, to avoid possibly getting sick (which I’m not)? Or keeping my progress and a more stable mind at the risk of maybe getting sick? Keep in mind, I’ve been with this counselor for… well, at least a year. Probably longer. Personally, I’d rather try to keep a healthy mind. Covid-19 I’ll probably survive. An unstable mind? That could be fatal. Trust me, I’ve been alone with my mind before, and it’s not always pretty.

I have mild claustrophobia (self diagnosed), especially when things are touching my face. My mom used to tell me to put a blanket over my head if I needed to take a nap during the day, to help block out the light. But I sat there, anxiously obsessing over what was on my face, until I gave up and took it off. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Personally I don’t mind the masks, because now I don’t have to fake a smile when someone approaches me. (Don’t get me wrong, I try to be friendly, but I really don’t like talking to strangers.) But if I understand correctly, carbon dioxide can get trapped in the masks, and it’s harmful for us to breathe it in too much. So, that’s not good. And I still get a little dizzy if I wear a mask that’s too tight to my face. (In conclusion, although I don’t mind the mask too much, I don’t agree with it.)
So I hope you can understand my shock when he insisted that my counselor was irresponsible and should be dropped. He even said that she was “compromising her clients’ health”. My mom and I were quickly put-out with him. He implied that no matter your anxiety or beliefs, masks are more important than mental health.
My mom has extreme anxiety and trouble breathing when she wears a mask. The woman can barely breathe half the time just around the house. He was so rude and disrespectful when we shared our beliefs. He actually shamed us for our choices. Not to mention the fact that I’m pretty sure he rolled his eyes at my mom when she told him that masks give her anxiety. (And I am super protective when it comes to my people, so that was totally uncalled-for and I really wanted to speak… frankly. Luckily for him, I held myself back.)
Ladies and gentlemen, please take this as a lesson. It is one thing to believe in something. It is something totally different to be rude and judgmental to anyone who does not share your opinion. Personally, I will be kicking, screaming, and possibly even biting if I have to go back to that doctor. I’ve never liked doctors, but I’ve also never met one this sardonic. I can respect people who choose to wear a mask, but I find it very difficult to respect someone who shames people for their choices.
To put it simply, I will respect your opinion unless it disrespects someone else’s existence. But just because I respect it does not mean I agree with it. And you cannot force me to agree.
I do not have my results back yet, since the doctor labeled me a “high risk for contaminating others”. And so, alas, I am still stuck at home. (Even though I have no symptoms that personally connect to having Covid-19. If a cough and headaches is all it takes, I’ve had the virus for over 2 years.) It has been a living nightmare. Although I am an introvert, I need regular activities and encounters with my friends to remain mentally stable. Despite the fact that Drummer Boy and I have FaceTimed every day, I am still miserable and lonely. It hurts like hades to know that my friends are out doing normal things while I just sit around and do basically nothing. I’ve painted my wall, taken up a secret project, and tried to stay busy. But the longer I am away from my regular scheduling habits, the more unstable I become.
So please try to be respectful to all walks of life, even when things are tense. It just makes the world such a better place. (And when I say be respectful, I don’t mean smile and nod, then diss them behind their back. I mean smile and nod and then get on with your business. Who are we to judge others? That is God’s job.)
Here are some funny masks that people have come up with, to dull the pain of continuing to live. 🙂
Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a great, peaceful day!
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♡, Shortie