Hello! This is a guide to the characters from Shadow Weaver and Comet Rising, by MarcyKate Connolly. I was absolutely inthralled with the people, so I wanted to share how I envision them. I hope you like them as much as I do! I ordered them according to when they entered the story, so that’s why some of the most important characters are closer to the bottom. They didn’t show up until later on. I also wanted to note that I don’t really pay that much attention to character description: I tend to accidentally make that up on my own. So forgive me if it’s not accurate; this is my imagination.
(Btw I didn’t include the child/ren category for the kids. That would just be weird. Only the adults have that.)


Type: Main protagonist
Role: Main character
Appears in: Shadow Weaver, Comet Rising
Cerelia gift: Shadow weaving
Parents: Curt and Melina (although Miranda and Alfred basically end up adopting her)
Sibling/s: None
Love interest: Lucas (no one says it, but I feel it in my heart, okay?!?)
Friends: Lucas, Cary (close friend), Doyle, Noah, Pearl, Dar (best friend), Rose? (Rose is dead, and she’s only backstory, so I don’t know if she really counts…)

Hmmm… how to describe her… Emmeline is… complicated. As the main character, she carries the book. So a lot of her reactions are confusing due to the amount of pressure she’s under. But overall I think she has a cool and forgiving nature, with a strong undercurrent of protectiveness. Her talent is called shadow weaving, a skill that allows her to use shadows as whatever she wants them to be. She can make them 3d and even somewhat solid. She uses this frequently to make a shadow cloak so she can sneak about and spy or eavesdrop. She loves the darkness, and the darkness loves her. When combined with Lucas’s light, Emmeline’s shadows become stronger than titanium and no ordinary thing or person can get through it. Tis very impressive and useful. Her theme song would be:

Dar (Darla)

Type: Protagonist/Antagonist (Depends on her mood)
Role: Main character
Appears in: Shadow Weaver, Comet Rising
Cerelia gift: Shapeshifting
Parents: Don’t know, long dead
Sibling/s: Lady Aisling
Love interest: None
Friends: Emmeline

Dar is unruly. Crazy. Driven mad by her desperate craving for revenge. Oh; and she isn’t a person. At least, not at first. She was Emmeline’s shadow. Her sister, Lady Aisling, killed her some hundred years ago and she was left a soul floating through the world of shadows. Then, when Emmeline was born under the Cerelia comet, Dar inhabited her shadow. Because Emmeline was a shadow weaver, Dar knew that she could one day be free. And indeed, that’s what happened. Emmeline completed the ritual to make her shadow “best friend” a living girl again, and that’s when chaos struck. Dar is an erratic shapeshifter, taking whatever form she wants. Which is a serious problem, because she turned into a monster. Luckily, she is deadset on the same motive as the protagonists: destroy Lady Aisling.
Her theme song would be:


Type: Neutral
Role: Antagonist’s victim / aid
Appears in: Shadow Weaver, Comet Rising
Cerelia gift: Mind reading
Parents: Victor and Romana Casares
Sibling/s: Violet and Josef Casares
Love interest: None
Friends: Emmeline? Kinda?

Simone is a “hollow doll”. Her talent used to be telepathy, before the Lady Aisling tried to steal it. Unfortunately, when the Lady tries to steal talents that are based in the mind, something always goes wrong. The soul goes with the magic. And a body without a soul, well… it’s just a hollow doll. (They also call them “shells”.) Simone is one of those unfortunate. Lady Aisling discovered how to take over her body occasionally, so she uses Simone to hunt other people with talents. But when Simone is locked in her room, she is left to pour over a page of paper that reminds her who she is. Simone Casares, from the Village of Wren in Parilla. My family is Viktor, Romana, Violet and Josef Casares. Without this paper, she doesn’t know who she is. But she knows she wants to get out. Her story is heartbreaking, and I desperately hope that there’s a book detailing it!! Because when the Lady isn’t using her, she has her own life. And I wish I knew about it.
Her theme song would be:


Type: Main protagonist
Role: Main character
Appears in: Shadow Weaver, Comet Rising
Cerelia gift: Light Singing
Parents: Miranda and Alfred (I don’t know their last name)
Sibling/s: None
Love interest: Emmeline (they are so into each other it’s SO OBVIOUS)
Friends: Emmeline, Cary, Doyle (best friend), Pearl, Noah

Lucas is naturally a loving and sweet person. He’s the living definition of a cinnamon roll with extra icing. And even though he grows sad and desperate when his parents get taken, his kindness still shines through. The only person he struggles to show compassion to is Dar, which is quite understandable given the circumstances. His talent is light singing, which means that light bends to his will when he sings. After much practice, he learns to use it to generate heat and can even make light tangible. His character is strongly developed, making him trusting and trustworthy.
His theme song would be:


Type: Protagonist
Role: Side character
Appears in: Shadow Weaver, Comet Rising
Cerelia gift: None
Parents: Unknown
Sibling/s: Unknown
Love interest: Alfred (husband)
Child/ren: Lucas
Friends: The Ronan family (Cary and Doyle’s parents)

Ooo, Miranda. I so love Miranda. She’s the wife of Alfred and the mother of Lucas. She’s sweet, docile and forgiving… until you try to hurt her kids. Then she’s a fireball like none have ever witnessed. She has no magical talent, except for caring way too much. And that isn’t a bad thing. She and her husband sacrifice themselves to let Lucas, their son, get away with Emmeline to safety. Lucas and Alfred are everything to her, and she would do anything for them. She’s strong, kind, compassionate, generous, and clever. I hope to be like her one day. She cares for Emmeline as if she was a daughter, even when lies and trouble reveal themselves. She is always forgiving.
Her theme song would be:

Yea, I know it’s “popular” or whatever. But it was also a good song before that.
And it’s a good song for her.


Type: Protagonist
Role: Side character
Appears in: Shadow Weaver, Comet Rising
Cerelia gift: None
Parents: Unknown
Sibling/s: Unknown
Love interest: Miranda (wife)
Child/ren: Lucas
Friends: The Ronan family (Cary and Doyle’s parents)

Alfred is a quiet soul, but fun and loving. He wants the best for his family, even if that means that he won’t be around to see them thriving. He would do anything for them. Like his wife, Alfred was not born under the comet and so was disqualified for a magical talent. But they work as record keepers for the magical community, tracking every home that was compromised by Lady Aisling and finding the residents in hiding new property. He doesn’t play a huge part in the story, but he still leaves a ground shaking impression. He’s a beautiful person, inside and out, and he loves his wife with every fiber of his being.
His theme song would be:


Type: Protagonist
Role: Side character
Appears in: Shadow Weaver, Comet Rising
Cerelia gift: None
Parents: The Ronans (can’t remember their names)
Sibling/s: Doyle
Love interest: None
Friends: Emmeline (close friend), Lucas, Doyle, Pearl, Noah

Oh, Cary. The spitfire of all women. She. is. awesome. I didn’t like her much at first, because she is very cold and almost judgemental when you first meet her. But really she’s just protective. She does not have magic, except that of her love. She is fierce in going after Doyle, even when the situation seems hopeless. She’s amazing.
Her theme song would be:


Type: Protagonist
Role: Side character
Appears in: Shadow Weaver, Comet Rising
Cerelia gift: Wind whistling
Parents: The Ronans (still can’t remember their names)
Sibling/s: Cary
Love interest: None
Friends: Emmeline, Lucas (best friend), Cary, Pearl, Noah

Doyle is a really interesting character, even though he doesn’t do much in the long run. Doyle is what they call a wind whistler; someone who’s talent is controlling the wind. It’s beautiful. Some might even call it… breathtaking. (Ha.. haha.. see what I did there? See? 😀 Ok, I know. Not funny.) He’s kind and loyal and funny, and he loves the company of anyone with a talent. He might not be able to figure out how to make wind solid, like his friends can with their talents, but he can still knock an adult out with the force of his whistle. And no matter how hard he tries, he just can’t wipe the smile off his face when the wind is rustling through his hair.
His theme song would be:


Type: Protagonist
Role: Main character? Kinda?
Appears in: Comet Rising
Cerelia gift: Talent taking
Parents: Unknown
Sibling/s: Unknown (none mentioned)
Love interest: Pearl (they exchange googly eyes, like, constantly!!!)
Friends: Emmeline, Lucas, Cary, Pearl

Noah is caring and sweet, and tends to listen more than he speaks. He is a soft-spoken soul who doesn’t like violence, which is really good. Because he is a talent taker. A talent taker is someone who uses their magic to take away someone else’s. He tried it out in the woods with Emmeline one day, and she lost her powers for a few moments. He described the feeling as “pulling all the warmth out”, and made it clear that he didn’t ever want to do it again. He is kind, even though he is often stuck in the midst of confusion. He didn’t even know he had magic until the others found him.
His theme song would be:


Type: Protagonist
Role: Side character
Appears in: Comet Rising
Cerelia gift: Spot hopping
Parents: Martha and Michael
Sibling/s: None
Love interest: Noah (IT’S NOT A THING, BUT IT’S TOTALLY A THING!!!)
Friends: Emmeline, Lucas, Cary, Noah

Pearl is a very chill person who keeps an eye out for danger, keeping everyone safe from harm. (She is totally a Hufflepuff.) Her magic talent is spot hopping. Teleportation. She is always waiting with full attention and focus for anyone who needs her, and she is a loyal friend.
(She’s my favorite :))
Her theme song would be:

Lady Aisling

Role: Villain
Appears in: Comet Rising (she’s talked about in both but they don’t actually see/meet her until book two.)
Cerelia gift: Talent eating, and whatever talent she’s eaten most recently
Parents: Don’t know, long dead
Sibling/s: Darla (Dar)
Love interest: None
Friends: None (Oof)

Lady Aisling is the hundreds-of-years-old villain. And she is very polite, for a child-eater. Lady Aisling has a talent. A very dark, very cruel one. She is a talent eater. She sucks the magic out of people as if sipping boba tea, and when it is over, their magic is hers. She has their powers, and they have none left. But who can afford to go through that many people? So instead, she turns them into towering flowers in her garden of souls. That way, when she’s hungry, she can simply pick a single of their petals and eat it. Then she gets the magic powers she needs for certain occasions, and the flower continues to grow and supply more petals. Unfortunately, that means that there are hundreds of talented folk trapped in her garden, slowly aging away. And because she is hundreds of years old, so are many of the people there. Lady Aisling is a cruel mistress who puts everyone in Zinnia under a spell of loving her, and no one questions a thing.
Her theme song would be:

Thanks for reading! I had so much fun writing this post that I didn’t want to stop! I almost even put in Alsa, Kendra, Rose, and even the sky shaker just so I could keep writing! Did you like this? I’m hoping to do more for other favorite books! Let me know in the comments what your thoughts are. Have you read the books? Do you see them differently? I’d love to know!
I hope you have an amazing rest of your day! 🙂

♡, Shortie