National Suicide Prevention Week

Hey y’all! I know I’m a little late, but I wanted to write a little about suicide awareness. I’ve covered the topic before, so I’ll try not to go into too much detail. I’ve referred to a few official news sources to verify my information, but of course I can’t be 100% sure that what they say is true. Teamwork like this is very large and requires many people to get involved. 🙂

Did you know that someone is committing suicide almost every 40 seconds? That’s 800,000 a year! And for every death, there’s over 20 attempts! This needs to be recognized and stopped. 

Suicide is the second leading cause of death for youth. Isn’t that crazy? That’s more deaths by suicide than war and homicide combined! As someone who has struggled with suicidal thoughts for a long while, I find this unsurprising but still disheartening. The bible says that our lives are not our own, but God’s. I personally believe that God won’t give you something that He won’t help you through. Suicide, to me, is like saying, “God, you aren’t strong enough to help me through this”. Of course, not everybody believes the same as I do. Not everybody has the freedom to, depending on where they live. 

In wealthier countries, suicidal happenings are 3 times more likely in men than women. This rate is more gender-equal in poorer places. (Fun fact: Japan is widely known as the safest country in the world. They hold the second-lowest homicide rate and the second-lowest assault rate. BUT, studies in 2017 tell us that they also have the seventh-highest suicide rates! Just goes to show how mental health is just as important as physical health.) 

Because I have struggled with self-harm and suicidal thoughts myself, this topic is very close to my heart. September 6th – 12th is National Suicide Prevention week, for people to come together and spread awareness. I hope this year things will get better and numbers will go down. The world should not be full of people feeling hopeless. That means, as a species, we are not doing our job in protecting and helping each other. 

Something that I think people often forget is that suicide isn’t just about the victim. It is awful that they felt so tragically useless that they took their own life, but it also affects their family and community. They may be left wondering what they did wrong, and in some cases, that feeling can drive people to a sadness so deep that they commit suicide themselves. It is a vicious pattern that, if we let it, might never stop. Schools, churches, friends, and activities will be hurt by the blow. 

Don’t let people struggle alone. They deserve better than that. We all do. 

If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts or actions, please call the hotline 1-800-273-8255. Please!! ♡

♡, Shortie

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