My Future?

I know this is random. But I really want to write what I’m feeling right now.

For a long time I’ve struggled with life. I didn’t know where I wanted to go, what I wanted to do, who I wanted to be. I was a consistent question mark.

But… I think I want to be a writer. I know, I know. It isn’t guaranteed that I will make money, people will be interested, and my stories may be no more than crap on a page. People have always told me that I have a knack for writing. I guess I just never believed them. But, whether I’m good at it or not, I love it. I have a giant passion for writing. Sometimes I feel like that desire is swallowing me up and I can’t write at all because I’m so excited about the story I’m telling. I get ridiculously happy and make absolutely no progress. A fatal flaw, really. But still, I am in love with writing.

You can create people. Worlds. Stories. Histories. You can do anything through writing. You can write about yourself in disguise, too. Oftentimes I discover hidden things about myself when I’m writing my characters. You can write about who you used to be, who you are, who you want to be, who you wish you could be. Anything. There are no rules in freelance writing. I mean, the worst thing that I can imagine happening is people don’t like your stories. But that’s endurable. They aren’t likely to chop your hands off or force you to stop writing. In my mind, writing is as close to flying as I can get. (Bonus points if you direct a fan to blow in your face.) It’s all the freedom I want.

Okay. So. Big news (for me)!

I think part of why I needed to write this today is because this afternoon, I saw one of my characters. In real life. I’M NOT KIDDING! He was fleshed out with the same hair, face, body build and even clothing style that I’d imagined. My male lead was standing right in front of me. Not gonna lie, I was a little shell-shocked. (If that was you, I apologize for staring.) I desperately wanted to get a picture but I felt like it would be a breach of privacy. I was amazed and honestly, couldn’t help but think, Daaaaang. I sure can make a character description. It was like looking right into my story. It was some of the weirdest crap I’ve ever experienced. Here’s a few pictures to give you a rough idea:

model and boy image
Kinda like his face
Image result for curly hair guy
Kinda like his hair
couples image
His ending

It was just so strange for me. It’s happened before with other stories of mine, but never with such spitting accuracy. And most of the time, I think it was more of “He’d make a great character…” than “HE IS MY PRE-EXISTING CHARACTER!!!” Anyway, you get it. It was cool and freaky.

It made me realize how much I love creating. Not just art, which I already knew. But creating ideas that wake up people’s minds. Challenge everyday life. Propose a different way of thinking or living. I like to see my dad’s eyes light up as he works out a puzzling thought. I want to evoke imagination. The best way I know to do that is to write. My friends can be woven into the threads of characters. My family can be secretly a part of the journey. I can write about terrible accidents and amazing recovery. Love and hate, peace and war, a symphony or cacophony.

quotes, art, and writing image
~ Unknown

Another thing I love about writing is that I learn so much. A story I’m writing now uses time travel. So I have/get to learn about different centuries and places and people. Along the way I pick up seemingly useless information like, “did you know that marshmallows were originally made from a plant?” And sure, maybe no one will ever ask me about marshmallow plants. Maybe no one will ask me about ladybugs, or the 6th century, or the twin towers, or jellyfish anatomy, or the legends of Robin Hood, or what beds used to be made out of before mattresses. But that’s okay! Because I enjoy the knowledge that I gave my full effort in making everything as accurate and enjoyable as possible. (Hopefully without being wordy and unnecessarily factual.)

I am so grateful for the internet; without it, there’s a chance I wouldn’t be a writer. Or, not a decent one anyway. All the information I have to know would be so much harder to find. Pintrest is also insanely helpful, with writing advice, prompts, and more substitute words than I can count. I owe a big thanks to them. My stories wouldn’t be half as good without their help. Also,

My We♡It account is:

And the inspirational collection for my current story is:

I’m on We♡It often; it’s one of my favorite places to be. If I’m having a bad day, I can eat Cheetos and candy and listen to Cary Elwes interviews while scrolling. Makes my day instantly better. I strongly recommend. (This isn’t a sponsor or anything, I just really love We♡It hahaha). It’s the only “social media” that I have, so if you want to stay up to date with my story inspiration, you’ll need to go there. I prefer the website to the phone app personally, but both work fine :).

Thanks for reading! Hope I didn’t waste your time! 🙂 Have a blessed day and don’t forget, the peeps are coming for you.

(P.S. Yes, those are Monty Python peeps.)


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