My Favorite Characters: Profiles (pt. 1)

Hey guys! I know it’s been a while, but life has been sending punch after punch straight into my gut. πŸ™‚ So I need a break and decided to take it here.
PSA: yes, a lot of these characters are guys. I think most readers have at least one “fictional boyfriend” and thats fine. But a lot of this is because in their respective worlds, most of the female characters are supposed to be strong and independent etc. But to me it usually just comes off as bossy and annoying. So try not to judge me too hard, please.

Spoiler alerts!!

Wanderer/Wanda (The Host, Stephanie Meyer)

She is so close to my heart because I relate a lot to her. It’s hard being a soft soul in a hard world. (Yes, pun intended.) For some context, Wanda is an alien. Her species survives by taking over other creatures’ bodies; in this case, she is on earth, so her body is human. But her body (Melanie) unexpectedly fights back, rather than disappearing when Wanda entered the body. Their species are called Souls. When she starts to sympathize with Melanie, who sticks around in the back of her head, she decides to seek out Melanie’s family in the desert. They know she is one of the aliens, so they reject her. Only a few try to protect her from being killed. For more details, consult Google or read the book. (I recommend the latter; it is SO GOOD. It’s as thick as frick but totally worth it.)
Played by: Saoirse Ronan & Emily Browning
Species: Soul (alien)
Personality: Sensitive, soft, gentle, timid, loyal, and totally a Hufflepuff.
Physical description: Melanie’s body is athletic; a very fast runner and excellent at soccer, so, lean but strong. She has hazel eyes, dark hair and sun-kissed skin. Melanie is twenty-one years old. Pet’s body is described as small and young looking. She has a roundish face, and her skin is pale with a silver undertone like moonlight. She has freckles, wide grey eyes, a dimple in the chin, and long wavy golden hair. Both bodies have silver behind their eyes because they are inhabited by a host.
Background: Wanderer has lived many lives on many planets and is over a thousand years old in earth’s time. She has had one host body on each of the eight planets she visited before earth; the planet of the flowers, the mists planet, the singing world (also known as blind world), the sea weeds, the planet of the spiders, the dragon world, and two other planets I don’t think she mentioned. We do know that she was born on The Origin, which is considered rare. She is female, no matter what host she inhabits, which is also rare. She has two bodies while on earth; her first was Melanie, but Melanie’s consciousness didn’t disappear when Wanda entered her body. Because of this, Wanderer gave her body back to Melanie and was re-implanted into Pet, a body that would die without a soul inhabiting it.
My favorite things: She’s so gentle and kind, even when Melanie encourages her to act on violent urges or tries to take her body back. She doesn’t speak up for herself, which can be difficult, but that also means that she doesn’t complain. Even when Kyle attempts to murder her, she saves his life mid-struggle when the floor collapses. She always puts everyone before herself and makes every effort to take care of them in any way she can. She is selfless even in the face of adversity and danger. I love that she tells the humans stories of her other lives. I also love the way she communicates with Melanie in her head, and their relationship in general. Melanie is intense and impulsive and sometimes even violent; Wanda is meek and quiet and, honestly, kinda a doormat. They’re polar opposite minds living in one body, and it’s friggin HILARIOUS.
My favorite scene/chapter: Chapter 56. Welded. Makes me feel fuzzy inside. β™‘
Favorite lines/quotes:
Body and soul; two different things, in my case.
I, the soul called Wanderer, love you, human Ian. And that will never change, no matter what I might become… If I were a Dolphin or a Bear or a Flower, it wouldn’t matter.
(Strange world, isn’t it?) “The strangest.

I don’t yet have a full playlist for this character/book yet but I’ll put it here if I decide to make one πŸ™‚

Ian O’Shea (The Host, Stephanie Meyer)

He is 100% my favorite character in this realm.
Played by: Jake Abel
Species: Human
Personality: Kind, protective, considerate, stubborn but open-minded
Physical description: He has a straight perfect nose, unlike his brother’s, which is proof of their differing personalities and self control. He’s sort of athletic; strong and capable, but not bulky. He’s described in the books as having black hair, bright blue eyes, and pale skin. And while I can see that, I also love Jake Abel’s portrayal of the character; light tan and brown hair. He is in his mid-twenties.
Background: Escaped the invasion and fled to Jeb’s caves along with his older brother, Kyle. He previously hated all souls before meeting Wanda.
My favorite things: One of my top favorite things is how purely innocent he is. He spends basically half the book trying to convince Wanda to sleep in his room; not to take advantage, but to make sure she’s safe. He knows full well how the others feel about her and how much danger she’s constantly in. After all, the first time he meets Wanda, HE TRIES TO KILL HER. And then just a few chapters later, he’s defending and protecting her from the others, turning against his friends to do what’s right. He keeps an open mind and carries so much kindness in his heart. He is patient, waiting for Wanda to be comfortable around him and taking their relationship as slow as a snail. He’s also ridiculously stubborn though, and will do anything it takes to keep her with him.
My favorite scene/chapter: Unquestionably chapter 56 “Welded”. I have the audiobook on my phone and listen to this book over and over, always paying special attention to this part. It is simply the sweetest moments between him and his girl. β™‘β™‘β™‘
Favorite lines/quotes:
You’re my favorite person in the known universe.
I held you in my hand, Wanderer. And you were so beautiful.
Strange world, isn’t it?
Is it so unbearable to have me love you? Is that it? I can keep my mouth shut, Wanda. I won’t say it again. You can be with Jared, if you want. Just stay.
That’s not true at all,” he disagreed. “It’s not the face, but the expressions on it. It’s not the voice, but what you say. It’s not how you look in that body, but the things you do with it. YOU are beautiful.

I don’t have a playlist for him or this book yet. I might make one but idk. Will put here if I do πŸ™‚

Neville Longbottom (Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling)

Full disclosure, I haven’t actually read the Harry Potter books yet. They’re next on my list, but I’m waiting to get ahold of the audiobooks. I know myself too well to think I could get the physical copy and keep up having a life at the same time. But Neville’s always been one of my favorites, even from the beginning. And not just because I feel bad for him. He’s experienced a lot of really hard things in his life, and people constantly call him names behind his back and sometimes to his face. And while I’ve never been bullied, I can empathize with the feeling of wanting to shrink away into the background of life. Plus, he has a cute frog named Trevor. β™‘
Played by: Matthew Lewis
House: Gryffindor
Personality: Kinda a doormat. But really sweet and caring
Physical description: (Remember, I’m going off the movies here) Neville has wavy/curly brown hair and green eyes. He has, in my opinion, the perfect body type; comfy. He looks like the most cuddly character I’ve ever seen. He also has an optimistic lilt, despite being put-down constantly.
Background: (Still going off the movies) His parents were tortured and killed by deatheaters when he was about 16 months old, leaving him to be raised by his grandmother (who wore funny clothes.) It’s likely that she belittled him for not having the same excellent prospects that his parents did, leaving him with an extreme lack of self confidence.
My favorite things: He’s super sensitive. β™‘β™‘β™‘ When “Prof. Moody” (wink wink) tortured a spider-like-creature in class, Neville had a panic attack. And as horrible as that is, it was really nice to see someone have compassion for the lives of different living things. I also really love that he took up Herbology, even after his first… interesting… introduction with mandrakes. He’s curious and not afraid to try new things if they seem interesting. And even just as a first year student, he stands up to his friends when they’re breaking the rules. Although he’s definitely a great Gryffindor, I think he would fit really well into the Hufflepuff house. Maybe that’s just me. IDk. He’s precious.
My favorite scene: Hmmm… this one is hard. Pretty much all of his scenes are my favorite, but I really like a specific moment in Prisoner of Azkaban. It’s when he’s in Defense Against the Dark Arts with Prof. Loopin and takes his first try at confronting a boggart. Not only does it work out hilariously, he also receives praise and reassurance from Pro. Loopin, and the smile on his face is the sweetest thing in the universe. It’s the same thing in The Order of the Phoenix when he successfully uses Expelliarmus to disarm an opponent, and everyone rushes in to congratulate him. β™‘
Favorite lines/quotes:
Why is it always me??

Full playlist here  πŸ™‚

Draco Malfoy (Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling)

Alternate nickname: ferret boy. A lot of people, including Rowling herself, would come at me for this one. But Draco is one of my all-time favorite characters. Yes, he’s pretentious and snobby and obnoxious. But he was also stuck between so many rocks and hard places even when he was a kid. He’s afraid of his father, he’s expected to live up to impossible standards, he became a Death Eater when he was just SIXTEEN, his first hug was from VOLDEMORT at the battle of Hogwarts, and he has to buy his way into getting friends. (I’m pretty sure the rest of these are fan theories but I’m going to include them anyway bc they make sense to me and he’s precious.) He cut his arm open to try to get rid of the dark mark, his boggart is his own dad, he was waiting for someone to hold him back from joining Voldemort’s side at the battle of Hogwarts but no one did, and the only reason he did it was for his mother anyway, the main reason he was excited to go to Hogwarts was to befriend Harry but instead he got rejected and embarrassed, and he didn’t even have enough happy memories to produce a patronus.
The kid went through a lot.
So shove off, I’m going to talk about him if I want to. I got white highlights in my hair for love of this character.
Played by: Tom Felton (one of my favorite actors)
House: Slytherin
Personality: we… we don’t talk about that
Physical description: (I’m still going off the movies) Draco has white hair, like several members of his family. He has bright blue/grey eyes and a mischievous grin. He has pale skin, a lean figure, and wears a lot of green and black; not surprising for a Slytherin. He has the dark mark on his left arm.
Background: He’s from a long line of pureblood wizards, so he was raised to be unfriendly to “mudbloods”. His family is in the inner circle of Voldemort’s followers, so as you might expect, the tension in his household was so high it probably could have lifted the roof. His family had house elves in their possession, so he never really had to do hard work or physical labor.
My favorite things: He can be kinda a prick, but shows real emotion from time to time. Especially after joining the Death Eaters. The older he gets, the more it becomes obvious that he doesn’t really get much of a say in his life. That’s why he’s often called “the boy who had no choice.” He was terrified when he was chosen to Kill Dumbledore; trying everything to avoid direct murder. Like sending poison mead disguised as a gift. Or hexing Katie Bell to deliver a dangerous necklace. (An odd choice of gift in my opinion, and why would Dumbledore want it? Idk I didn’t write it.) His heart wasn’t really in it, but he acted out of fear. Not just to protect himself, but as an attempt to preserve his family. And even with all that at risk, he was lowering his wand instead of producing the curse. β™‘ He was fond of green apples. When the Death Eaters confronted him asking if the hexed boy was really Harry Potter, he refused to tell them, even though he knew. He went to Fred’s funeral, standing in the very back to avoid being seen. He lowkey thought the twins were funny, but couldn’t show it due to their family’s rivalry. Honestly, there’s a ton of things I love about Draco. But my absolute FAVORITES are the expressions he makes. I’ll try to include some in his mini-collection. πŸ™‚
My favorite scene: ⬇ (first quote)
Favorite lines/quotes:DEMENTOR! DEMENTOR!
Reading? I didn’t know you could read.
Training for the ballet, Potter?
Is it true you fainted? I mean, you actually fainted?
This class is ridiculous.
And I’m Malfoy. Draco Malfoy.

Full playlist here  πŸ™‚

Mattheo Riddle (fan created character in the Harry Potter fandom)

No, Mattheo isn’t really a character in the books or movies. I just happened to stumble upon some funny shorts on youtube that dragged me down the rabbit hole of this fan-created character. IDK why I like him so much. I think it’s because he’s so unpredictable, and it always creates a plot twist in whatever video they put him in haha
“Played by”: Benjamin Wadsworth
House: Slytherin
Personality: He is… intense. Goofy, mischievous, chaotic-good, but dangerous when angry
Physical appearance: Strong, but not muscle-y. Curly brown hair and dark brown eyes. He has warm-toned tan skin and freckles. Always smiling, always covered in various scrapes and scratches from doing idiotic things.
Background: He is somehow Voldemort’s son (I think… yaknow, I don’t really want to know honestly). His dad is, predictably, controlling and demanding. Mattheo uses adrenaline and reckless stunts as a way to try to make friends, because he never had any as a kid. Hogwarts is a safe haven for him. Even though he maintains a careless and oblivious exterior, he’s actually caring and intuitive on the inside. He rarely lets anyone in, due to his upbringing, for fear that they would learn the things he’s done. Being Voldemort’s son comes with unsettling obligations, and he has blood on his hands.
My favorite things: He is 100% up for interpretation!! It’s great. To me, he’s the type of guy that would make you push him around in a shopping cart while making you laugh until you couldn’t breathe. I like that most people consider him an idiot, but if he lets you in, he’s deeply observant and likes to mess with people just to see their reaction. His smile looks like sunlight. He likes breaking the rules, and keeping track of which ones he wants to break next. He is the definition of chaotic-good. Of course, every good has a bad. And he is dangerous when he’s angry.
My favorite scene: Since he’s not actually in the films or books, the only thing I have to go on is people’s pov videos on youtube. There’s a lot of good ones but I do have a favorite. This is my favorite video <3  
Favorite lines: He has no lines. He is solely based on random audios lol

Full playlist here  πŸ™‚

Thank you for reading, I’m surprised you made it all the way here! There’s more coming soon; I really enjoy these. As always, I hope you’re having an amazing day, and even if you’re not, God loves you either way.

β™‘, Shortie

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