Hello and welcome! This one, as mentioned in the last one, is a post about the tattoo I have, the ones I’m planning to get, and the ones I just think are super cool. I don’t feel like writing much, I just want to show off my pretties. 🙂

The tattoo I have

It came from this design, but we tweaked it some.

I got this tattoo with my dad. We decided that in memory of Wash, our favorite character from Firefly (tv show), we wanted to get dinosaurs. Neither of us had gotten one before, and neither of us wanted to die a blank canvas. So we decided to get one together. Now, like I said in my last post (TATTOOS!!!!!!!) ours are not the same. Mine is just this little pudgy adorable brontosaurus, and his is a full-color origami stegosaurus. They are very different. He is planning to add to his, I am keeping mine the same. (I draw on mine and give him outfits and stuff.) Anyway, it was the motive that counted. In memory of Wash, I am a leaf on the wind.

Tattoos I want to get

Ah. Tattoos that I want one day. I’m currently planning for all of my tattoos to be cartoony, because that’s something I’ve always been passionate about.
Okay so starting from the top:
1. This is one that I drew. My sugar glider scratched me, and using the shape of the scar, I was able to get a feel for their paw shapes. I just thought it was really cool.
2. I really want a barcode for spicy nacho doritos. It just makes me laugh. Maybe get matching ones with a friend or something. I just think they’re really cool.
3. Sign language is something that I’ve always loved and wanted to learn. Joy is something that everyone could use a bit more of. So I like the idea of combining them. 🙂
4. This one is inspired by Firefly as well. Wash likes to say, “I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar…” When he’s getting anxious about flying Serenity, their ship. So I thought it was a beautiful reference and really awesome combination.
5. I draw triangles on homework a lot, and sometimes when I’m anxious. So this speaks to me of calm in the midst of calamity.
6. I want a Star Wars tattoo!! My childhood, or at least what I remember of it, was filled with Star Wars. We used to watch it as a family. I especially liked the Ewoks, and would always bring my stuffed teddy bear down to watch with me when we watched episode VI. I always preferred the prequels, although I’ve grown to enjoy all of them.
7. Rollerskating has always been fun for me, even though wheeled-clunkers does not help my klutzyness. This particular one was almost my first, to represent the first teenage party I went to. Drummer Boy’s birthday party. I can honestly say that it was the first birthday party that checked both of the boxes: I actually wanted to attend, and I actually had fun. It was awesome. So I’m glad that it wasn’t my first tattoo, because it was a simple memory, but I still want to get it one day. I have this thing about trying to hold on to memories… And that was one of my best.
8. Books have always been an escape for me. I loved reading, even as a child. There used to be a yearly reading competition at my library, where for every 20 hours that you read, you would get a slip of paper with your name in a bucket and the opportunity to win something. I put my name in twice, within about two weeks. I would even build my own blanket forts and such to read in, even though they were exceedingly uncomfortable and had low light. (Now that I’m thinking about it, that’s probably why I’m supposed to wear glasses now……. oops.) Anyway, books are an escape for me. So I want something to remind me that I am not alone and there’s a place I can go where I’m always safe, even if it isn’t real.
9. Peeling oranges is a weird stress reliever for me. When I’m stressed or anxious or depressed, I peel oranges. It’s just what I do. It’s sort of like I take off the outer layer and weird white bits to remind me to let go of the problems, because the sweet stuff is on it’s way. So I really like this tattoo.
And last but never least,
10. The smiley faces!! These two are going to be in my skin on next Tuesday. I’m so excited!!! The one on the left is the one that Drummer Boy drew on me one day. That’s the one which gave me this idea. The one on the right is one I asked Peep to draw for me. I’m going to get tattoos of my best friends’ smiley faces, because they always make me smile when I’m down. It’s a reminder that I am not alone, there’s more to life than fear, depression and anxiety, and I always have cheerleaders. One day I want to have built an anklet of these little smiley faces, but for now, I’m content with just my two best friends. They will be on opposite sides of my leg, just above my ankle. They will both be tattooed on top of veins that go straight to my heart.

I also plan to get a quarter sleeve or something of music. Logos for my all-time favorite bands, music notes, or something. It probably won’t happen for a while, but it’s one I’ve been wanting.

Tattoos that I love, but might not get

I really really love these, but most I would not get as they are. The art ones at the top, I would. But because I’m trying to stick to black & white cartoon designs, that would be hard. But I love them with a passion. Some just need to be tweaked, to be black and white or a different size or shape or lettering or etc. I like them a lot, and there’s a chance that I could change my mind one day, but for now, I’m prooobably not going to get any of them.

Tattoos I love but will not get

I think these are really awesome, but they’re not for me. Some of them I relate to, but I just wouldn’t put them on myself. (The paw print one I would, but those inks are probably really really bad for your skin. I haven’t researched about them a bunch, it just strikes me as something that could be potentially dangerous and probably doesn’t last.) They are truly beautiful designs, though. At least, they are to me.

Anyway, thanks for reading! I know this is kinda a meh post but I wanted to do it anyway. Tattoos are really cool to me and I am always inspired with them. I don’t think of it so much as ruining a blank canvas, or spray-painting God’s temple. I feel like carrying art with you shouldn’t be shamed like it usually seems to be. Didn’t God’s temple have ornate beautiful things about it? Even the curtains were to be made exactly right to please Him, because they were beautiful and symbolic. So why can’t we do the same with the temple He inhabits inside us? Why can’t we be living art as well? Just my opinion. Have a good day y’all, and while you’re at it, go ahead and have a good week. I’ll see you next time!

♡, Shortie

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