
Hey guys! Welcome back! I am here today to present to you what might just be my new favorite show. (It can never take the place of my old classics, of course… Merlin, Sherlock, Firefly, etc. but I just finished it and we need to TALK.) If you are here for Christian content, we’ll get into my personal beliefs about being gay as well. But for right now I just want to talk about the show. :)))


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Firstly, lemme just say, the characters are PERFECT and I LOVE THEM and if you dislike them I will send you a strongly worded DM. Or murder works, too. (Just kidding. It’s a quote.) Do you want a post on the characters? Like, mood boards, personality traits, etc? Let me know in the comments and I can so make that happen. 🙂 I really like all the characters, so I’m going to say something about each.

Charlie: I really like his hair. Idk why but I feel like it just really fits his character?? If that makes sense? Also he’s sooo patient with people even (and especially) when they don’t deserve it. I love it.
Nick: He is so loyal to the people he cares about, and I love that about his character, but my favorite thing is the way he stands up for Charlie. Even before they were together. So sweet.
Tara: I love how she can be honest with Darcy when things were really hard because of their relationship. It’s really hard to find that kind of honesty with someone.
Darcy: I love how spunky and bold her character is. She’s unfazed by people’s mean words and deflects ugly comments like she didn’t even hear them. And she always comforts Tara, who does hear them.
Elle: Idk, I’m not really in love with this one yet. I feel like they don’t show her a lot. I think she might be trans, and that’s interesting. I think if there’s a season 2 we might see more of her. For right now, I really love her relationship with Tao. They’re so funny together. I love some bestie content.
Tao: OH MY GOSH, favorite character alert!! He is so funny. But honestly, I relate to him on a lot of levels. He says the things that I think, but keep inside. He’s really kind and sweet to his friends, but protective too. I love the way he stands up for Charlie, even if it isn’t the most helpful. Tao can always make people laugh, even if he’s deeply hurt inside. I want to be like Tao someday. (Just… maybe with slightly less pettiness?) And I don’t usually like to comment on people’s bodies, but Tao is so noodley when he dances 😂 it’s the best.
Isaac: I love Isaac! He’s so quiet that he almost sinks into the background, but he kinda reminds me of a smiling capybara. No drama, just vibes. Idk he’s just cool haha
Ben: HISSSSSSSSS (Not to be dramatic, but if this character was on fire and I was holding a cup of water, I would drink it.)
Imogen: Eh she’s alright. I really like her hair, and she’s very nice. I also love how understanding she was when Nick cancelled the date and everything. I don’t really think she had enough screen time to really get to know her, but she seemed pretty cool.
Harry: I would love to high five this character. In the face. With a chair.

Secondly, the plot??? Immaculate. I am not really one to hunt out romance, but this show does it so well. From the sound effects to the doodled animations when their fingers touch, my heart is exploding. I had to take pauses to calm down flashbacks of when I first started hanging out with Drummer Boy while watching this show. The way they depict attraction is so beautiful. Not as something dirty or “sexy” or whatever. Just two people who started as friends, then best friends, and became partners. This shows the more pure side of love, the kind that I have for Drummer Boy. (Except both of us are straight.) Just loving someone’s company. Smiling when you see them across the room. Wanting to be near them, even if you aren’t touching. Wanting to kiss them when they let out a real laugh. Playful banter between two people who care about each other. Making faces and being dumb when they’re having a bad day. Offering to share something, be it food or homework or advice. Learning how to play rugby, because they love it. Falling out of bed laughing so hard. Needing bandaids for your cheeks after smiling so much. Going out of your way to run into them. Walking in the rain to go see them. All these little things that seem like nothing, but when put together, create something beautiful. And if I’m going to be loved, I want to be loved like that. Like best friends + attraction.
I also like the anxiety portion. Not quite enough to make it a callout to mental health, but enough to make the characters real. Like when Charlie gets anxious and he re-imagines conversations, but going wrong. It’s nice to give them a little extra depth. One of my favorite places this was shown was close to the beginning, in episode 3 or 4 or somewhere in there, when Nick visualized Charlie in that hallway where he was afraid. And the bullies were yelling and Nick was trying to talk over them, trying to reach him, trying to make him feel better. It was really cool. The other thing I noticed was how even after their first kiss, Nick was still very confused about what he wanted. I like that they made him doubt himself and do a bunch of research and stuff. It was very realistic and down to earth, in my opinion. Not just “ok, I guess I’m gay now bc I have a crush on this guy!” He was troubled and confused by what he was feeling, which is something I have felt before. It was really nice. Idk.

I hope there’s a season two. I feel like there’s so much we didn’t get to know about Tao and Elle, and Imogen, and Isaac… I dunno. It was just really good and I really hope there’s a season two. :)) I actually found and watched the show because of Waterparks, a band I like. They had a song (Telephone) in the show, so they posted about it on Instagram and I saw it. Checked out the parent review on IMDB and was surprised at the cleanliness, so I watched it. WAS. NOT. DISAPPOINTED.

Okay, okay. It’s time to talk about the Christian perspective. Keep in mind that this is my personal opinion. You do not have to like it, you do not have to agree, and you do not need to leave hateful comments if you feel differently. But I dunno if God created us to have those relationships. To be honest, it’s not something I’ve done a lot of reading on. Maybe he did, maybe he didn’t. I don’t know. But what I DO know is that He loves us all. No matter what we’ve done, will do, or are currently doing that might be sinful. He loves us. He doesn’t love me any more because I’m straight, or someone else any less if they are not. He simply loves us. And it is not my job to pass judgement on someone else’s life. I will be honest, I didn’t really watch any of the kissing scenes. I don’t usually watch those anyway, even if the people are straight. It just makes me a little squirmy. But I thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing, because at the end of the day, the characters are just people. And that’s my favorite thing to watch. Plus… the romance was very sweet and cute. Nice change from the “down and dirty” kind of “love” that most media likes to shove in my face nowadays. It felt light and innocent and precious, like watching a butterfly leave its cocoon. It is now very close to my heart.

Thanks for reading! I know I’ve been on a Twenty One Pilots posting rampage lately and then I disappeared and came back with a bunch of different random posts. Sorry. I promise, I’m still trying to work on the lore and everything. My life has just gotten really busy so It’s hard to make time for big projects. So for now, thanks for sticking around! I hope it hasn’t been too painful lol. Have a nice rest of your day!

♡, Shortie

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