
Hey guys! Today I thought I would share something cool that happened in my life recently.

I don’t know if this is common knowledge or not, or universally accepted as true. But my family and I believe that God gives us each a name. I’ve been praying for years, asking for Him to reveal my name to me.
Well, it finally happened.

My mom’s name is Sunshine. When she was at a Christian women’s camp, she was introduced to the idea. They had gone out to spend quiet time with God outside, and my mom was sitting in a gazebo. It was a beautiful day, and the word “Sunshine” kept floating around in her head. So she thought, why not? “God, is my name Sunshine? If that is the name you gave me, show me something.”
To this day, she still marvels at how the sky opened up in front of her. A beam of sunlight shone down right on her. Her name is Sunshine.

My name is dragonfly. Here’s the story:

Normally, I would go to bed around 5. (Yes, AM. I’m a night owl.) I would get up around 2 (PM) the next day. This isn’t a big deal for me, since I’m homeschooled and don’t have much of a social life. But my parents didn’t think that my routine was healthy, so they decided to put me on a schedule. Wake up at 9:30 (AM), get up and make breakfast (I hate breakfast), take some quiet time for devotions, go on a walk (outside, ew), then come back to work on school etc, and go to bed at 11 (PM). I hate schedules, waking up in the mornings, breakfast, and I’m allergic to basically everything. Sounds great. So I got up the first day (having rolled around in bed until 4 (AM) when I could finally fall asleep) and pretty much had to make myself claw out of bed. Turns out I’m heavy when being dragged. I got up and followed the schedule, and by the time I got to my walk outside,

A bee chased me back up the driveway.

Yup. I hadn’t even been outside for 5 minutes yet. So I walked the other way, towards our back yard. (I’m a hobby photographer, by the way, so I had my camera out.) I noticed a squirrel yelling at a bird in the trees.

I’m not kidding.

I think the bird was aggravating him, because he just sat there barking (yes that’s a thing squirrels do) and staring. It was kinda funny so I started taking pictures. The bird flew off, (probably insulted by the undignified squirrel) and the squirrel (I’m naming him Carll) made his way down the tree. Carll then began posing for his photo shoot. It was so cute. I even got pictures of him mid-jump. When he was done, I decided to try my walk again.

This time I made it down the driveway with no bee attacks. (We really need an interpreter; I leave them alone but they keep harassing me like I insulted someone’s grandmother.) I took pictures of flowers, birds, bird buns (they were insufficiently dressed and rude), more squirrels, an ant carrying an insect wing (not threatening at all), and trees. Then I reached the turn-around part, there was a big purple flowering bush. A yellow butterfly was parading her colors around the bush, drinking and showing off. Then, I bet you can’t guess what happened!

Yep, I got chased by another bee.

But as I was walking away, (okay, running) I saw a dragonfly. He was big and fat and flying beside me.
By the time I got back to my house, I had made the decision to check on Carll. He was nowhere to be found, so I started on my way inside. But a dragonfly caught my eye. And then two. And then three. The dragonflies were playing together. One teal, one blue, (both fat,) and one little darker one. I didn’t bother to take out my camera as they chased each other playfully; they were too fast. They flew all around me, and I was scared they were going to hit me. It was so cool. My dad has always loved dragonflies, so I went to his office to get him. When we came back out,

they were gone.

We looked around, confused, for a few minutes. Eventually we gave up and I pointed out where I had seen Carll a while earlier (beside my dad’s garage.) and dad decided to go over and look. When he was gone, I started thinking. And then, out of nowhere, “God, did you name me Dragonfly? That blue one earlier flew with me like he was my friend. If my name is Dragonfly, please send me a sign.”

The blue dragonfly returned. He hovered in front of me for a moment and then flew away when my dad turned around. Like he was just for me to see. I was shook. I pointed, but the dragonfly was out of eyesight.

We eventually saw him again near our tiny dogwood tree, where he was hanging out in the backyard. The other two were also gone.

When we went back inside and filled my mom in, she agreed that it was strange. We looked up the “meaning of the dragonfly” (out of curiosity), and were shocked to find that dragonflies symbolize change.

The Girl with the Dragonfly Tattoo and What it Symbolizes in 2020 ...

I don’t personally believe in most of this stuff, but I do believe in God. And if he uses white doves to symbolize purity and devotion, why not dragonflies for change? It’s just too great of a coincidence.

I’ve been trying very hard to take this lifestyle change well, even though I don’t necessarily agree with it. But my name is Dragonfly, and I support changing for the better. Even when it’s not easy (like a 5 hour sleep change). I believe in change, and I’m trying really hard to establish that in my own life. Only this time, I’m doing too. Not just trying, but doing. I’m giving it my full effort.

My name is Dragonfly, and I support changing for the better. Who are you? What do you support? (If you want to say. You don’t have to. 😉)

Thanks for reading! I don’t know if this gave insight to you or not but it was fun to experience and write. If you do not believe in God, I’m sorry for your loss. He’s the best thing that ever happened to me. (Google churches around you if you’re interested to learn more. Read the Bible. Ask questions. Have conversations. It’s worth it.)

~Shortie ♡

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