My Favorite Books

Hey y’all! Today I got bored and figured I should write something. So let’s chat about my favorite books/series. The numbers at the end are what I would rate the book out of ten. (I put them somewhat in the order of my favorites.) This is going to be a very very long blog, so strap in! Pictures for character reference will be attached to the bottom of the review. And yes, unlike most book lovers out there, I do actually have a favorite. Here we go!

♡ The Host ♡

By Stephanie Meyer
This is my very favorite book! There’s not really any inappropriate scenes, very little cussing, and it’s such good writing. I absolutely LOVE the characters. In fact, I see so much of myself in Wanda that it was actually alarming to read. It was like I was reading about myself. She’s always afraid to disappoint people, she hates violence, and she’s so very sensitive. Oh yeah, and she’s an alien. Just like me. It’s crazy! I love this book so much. It’s a thrilling action novel, plus romance and sci-fi! My favorite three! 11/10

The Infernal Devices (Series)

AAAHHH!!! I FREAKIN LOVE THIS SERIES!!! Oh yeah.. it’s by Cassandra Clare. Sorry, I got excited.
Cassandra Clare is my favorite writer. She writes with elegance and grace, but her characters would punch you in the face. Jem is my favorite character. He’s kind and gentle, and the only one that the cat (Church) likes. Jem never gave up on Tessa, no matter what happened. He loved her with every living and dying breath. I am also a big fan of Sophie and Gideon. They’re so cute together! But overall, I just really love the theme. It’s almost mysteriously nostalgic for me. All the clockwork and 1670’s English clothes and astonishing personalities… it’s just beautiful. That’s the world I would live in, if I could. I’ve always loved to take old things apart, like clocks or watches or even just jewelry, then attempt to put it back together or create something new with the parts. Clearly Henry does much more than that, but I like to imagine that I’m somewhat like him. He makes me laugh and cry, and I see so much of him in me. It’s awesome. These books do have a couple inappropriate scenes, but both that and cussing is very restricted. Since it’s based in the 1670’s, manners and “being proper” were very, very important. Which is one reason I love this so much. (Bloodthirsty little beasts… never trust a duck.) 10/10

How To Keep Rolling After A Fall

By Karole Cozzo
This book is one that I hold very close to my heart. I relate very strongly to the main character, Nikki, not in the things she’s done but in the emotions she deals with. I have made many mistakes in my very short life, and those mistakes have shaped the way I live. And just like her, I regret my past choices frequently. I don’t approve of some of the choices she’s made in her relationship with Pax, but I am a Christian and this book is not. So that’s to be expected. There are some things that I skip, and others that I can’t stop re-reading. My favorite character is Pax because of how he treats everyone, especially Nikki. This book is so well written and sweet. 8/10

The Mortal Instruments (Series)

By Cassandra Clare
This series isn’t as good as The Infernal Devices, in my opinion, but is still really good. There’s quite a lot of inappropriate scenes, but they’re usually pretty easy to skip. There’s also more than a little cussing, but on the spectrum of “bad word” to “REALLY bad word”, it isn’t (usually) severe. I love the characters, which is why I stuck through it. My favorite is… hmmm, how to pick… Lucian Graymark. But I also really like Simon and Magnus. I’ve always kinda had a thing about vampires and werewolves. (Not like Twilight.) I just find them really interesting. I love how the pack stays together, tighter than a family. I love how the vampires tend to be sarcastic and somewhat aloof. I guess they just remind me, in their own ways, of myself. This story interests me for more than the werewolves and vampires, though. There’s also demons, angels, mundanes, shadowhunters, warlocks, and other downworlders (faeries, sprites, pixies, witches, etc.). It’s never boring. The characters (spoiler alert and pardon my language) literally have to go to hell and back before the story is over. It’s immensely long when you put all the books together, but well worth the read. 6/10

Acne, Asthma, and Other Signs You Might Be Half Dragon

By Rena Rockford
This. Book. Is. So. Good. There’s a little bit of cussing and some questionable scenes, but you will never find an adventure book quite as enthralling and absolutely wild as this. My favorite character is a tie between Felix, Beth and John. Never has my imagination been more excited than reading this book. I would recommend it to anyone and everyone who likes fiction fantasy, but here’s a warning: if you ever want to read anything else after, be prepared to be disappointed. 11/10


By MarcyKate Connolly
♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ I love this book so much. My favorite character is Ren, a squeaky and scrawny little fella. Despite being so unnoticeable and ordinary seeming, he carries a great burden. He’s the king’s messenger. When Kym (the main character, a chimera of sorts) meets Ren, she’s shocked by him. He’s sweet and curious… and he always gives her a rose when they meet, which she presses and keeps to remember him by. It’s such a heartwarming story. DAAANG, this is a good book. It inspired many drawings and watercolor paintings in my sketchbook. 🙂 I love it. No inappropriate scenes, no cussing. Very little bloodshed or disturbing content. (There is one scene involving the hunting of a rabbit that I skip, and sometimes Kym stings people with her tail, but that’s it.) Somewhat sad ending, but overall, 10/10

Ravenous (Companion novel to Monstrous)

By MarcyKate Connolly
*Internally screams* This. book. Is. So. Good. It was my favorite for a little while. I actually read this before reading Monstrous, which I wouldn’t recommend. It was still amazing, but there were things I couldn’t understand. My favorite character is probably Dalen, a centaur boy. He makes me laugh and cry and jump giddily with joy. He’s such a well-written character. It’s amazing. This book is what truly spiked my interest in Kraken stories, and Baba Yaga as well. I highly suggest this book to all fans of fantasy. The main character, Greta, must hunt the cornucopia to trade it for her brother’s life. A hungry witch has taken him captive, and it’s the only thing she will accept in exchange. Greta’s deadline pushes her forward, despite everything seeming to be against her. Will she save him? With they both perish? Read to find out! There’s no cussing or inappropriate scenes, and very little blood. 10/10


By Lindsay Summers
This is somewhat your typical whirlwind summer romance story. Girl meets boy, they banter, but then slowly fall in love, etc. It’s simple and decently short, but it cracks me up and the characters’ quirks drive me crazy. (Talon is why my best friend and I have built up a peep addiction.) It’s pretty cheesy, but in a good way. They make me laugh and cry and have inspired some of my art ideas. Well written, I don’t remember any inappropriate scenes, very little cussing. 8/10

Divergent (Series)

By Veronica Roth
Oh boy… what to say. I really liked the first book, and I didn’t want to read the other two because I was scared they might ruin my image of it all. Well… I should have followed that gut feeling. Insurgent and Allegiant, while decently written books, crushed me. The amount of destruction in my life caused by this series is insane. There were highs and lows, and by the end, I was distraught. So I’m just going to talk about book one. My favorite character is, and always has been, Al. The boy who smells like lemon soap and unrequited love. He isn’t in the story for very long, which breaks my heart. My favorite quote from the whole book is about him: “He is big and warm and clumsy.” He was the inspiration for my favorite drawing yet. 🙂 The book is overall really good, with a few questionable scenes and a little bit of language (both of which get worse as the series continues). But I really enjoy book one. I think Tris and Four make a wonderful couple, and because of their Abnegation upbringing, they keep the inappropriate scenes short and few. I love it. 9/10 for the first book, 4/10 for the series

Part Of The Pride

By Kevin Richardson
This book is awesome!! So many interesting stories! I’ve read it several times, and each time I learn something new. His story is absolutely amazing, and it’s become one of my dreams to meet him in person. He talks about some hard things, but it’s such a beautiful book. There’s no inappropriate scenes, since it’s just about him, his animal friends, and his relationship with them. There’s a little bit of cussing (which isn’t (in my opinion) unnecessary, since it usually comes out as he’s about to be eaten…) but otherwise it’s a really good book. There’s a little bit of drunk stories and such, but the worst thing that happens is reading about the times when he had to be fixed up by the doctor. This book is very educational and entertaining, so it’s the double-whammy for animal lovers. I learned so much from his stories, and I definately want to read it again soon. 10/10

Saint Anything

By Sarah Dessen
AAAHHH!!! I LOOOVE THIS BOOK!!! My favorite character is Mac, the big pizza delivery boy. He always makes sure that Sydney feels seen and not alone. He’s a comforting presence that she needs desperately, and he’s never far away. I also really like Layla and Eric. They make me laugh so hard that I almost choked once. There’s some substance abuse mentioned, some questionable scenes, and definately some cussing. But it is well worth the read. This story keeps my need for adventure alive, no matter what I’ve gone through in real life recently. The lollipops and mushroom shirts and lost carousels in the woods are calling me back, and back I will go. 10/10

The Mussorgsky’s Riddle (Series?)

By Darin Kennedy
Oooh… another good book. It’s not really a solid Christian read, but it’s very interesting and fun. I actually got in huge trouble because once I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down. Literally. I took it with me any time I had to leave my reading closet, and I stopped doing my chores and seeing my family until I finished the book. It was amazing. There’s so many mysterious aspects of it that I simply couldn’t understand until it was all explained in the end. What a marvelous discovery! It was based off of Modest Mussorgsky’s “Pictures at an Exhibition” and is a piece of art all by itself. The characters come alive in my mind, with their own exquisitely vibrant personalities that bleed into everything they say. My favorite character is Anthony, the magnificent mystery himself. I also really like Jason and Dr. Thomas. This book cracks open a young boy’s psychedelic mind, solves a murder, unveils many hidden truths, and nearly kills everyone in the process. There’s no romanticized inappropriate scenes, but there are some very disturbing memories from a rape case and a few mentioned scenes with an… unorthodox couple. I would recommend skipping both. There is cussing and the main character is a psychic, so be warned. Not the most Christian book, but still very good if you’re willing to overlook a few things. I think it’s also a series, but I’ve only finished book one. 9/10

The Mysterious Benedict Society (Series?)

By Trenton Lee Stewart
This book is sooo good… I barely slept at all one night because of it. This is another simply can’t-put-down book. My favorite character is Sticky, who is very intelligent and scared of almost everything. I am also a big fan of Milligan, because he knows seemingly all but says seemingly nothing. The story follows Reynie Muldoon and his three new friends. Reynie is an orphan, and when he sees an ad in the newspaper for highly gifted children, he takes the opportunity. Anything to find others like him. One thing’s for sure… it’s never boring. Number Two assists when Mr. Benedict has his narcoleptic spells, Reynie and his friends solve mysteries and prevent world domination, Milligan is always watching, and Rhonda is a really good cook. There’s no inappropriate scenes or cussing, since I think it was written for kids. I’ve been told there’s a series, but I’ve only read the first book. 10/10

Percy Jackson (Series)

By Rick Riordan
I myself have only read 5 (I think) books out of the series, but MAN I want to read the rest. It was so good. Packed with adventure, humor, and really weird nicknames. I don’t have much to say in regards to this series, because it really speaks for itself. Grover Underwood is my favorite character. He makes me laugh so much. I love the fact that Riordan draws from real Greek stories and creates something new and amazing. It spawned in me a serious fascination for mythologies. I also really liked what I read of the Magnus Chase series and Apollo. No inappropriate scenes, and I don’t remember any cussing (other than when they went to a dam and kept saying “where’s the dam bathroom?” or “where can I buy a dam t-shirt?” It was funny to me, but some readers might find it uncomfortable, depending on sensitivity level.) 10/10

The Hunger Games (Series)

By Suzanne Collins
Oooh… another good one. I shipped Peeta and Katniss since the beginning. They have one of my favorite relationships. I don’t know why. Perhaps it’s because Katniss is cold and hard, but Peeta softens her. He is her weakness. It’s so sweet. Dangerous, but sweet. It isn’t an average love story, and that’s something I truly love. Personally, I usually leave it at the first book. I don’t enjoy the extreme measures that take place in the others. There’s no inappropriate scenes, and very little cussing (that I remember). There’s quite a bit of bloodshed that could be disturbing to some audiences, but overall, I find this book enthralling. I love it. (Btw, the District 4 boy is my favorite.) 9/10

Emily Windsnap (Series)

By Liz Kessler
Yay! I love these books! This series is an adventure of a lifetime! There’s no inappropriate scenes, and I don’t remember any cussing, BUT… please take my word for it… do NOT read book seven if you want to remain in fond memories of the characters. I finished it (The Falls of Forgotten Island) and cried for at least two days. So I would recommend staying away from that. But otherwise, it’s an amazing series! Book two was my first introduction to something called the Kraken, which is a mythical creature that I now adore. My favorite character in this series is Aaron, a semi-mer. He cracks me up, but at the same time, warms my heart with the cheesy and cute things he says to Emily. My favorite book is number three, The Castle in the Mist, in which Emily meets Aaron and they begin their tale of thrilling heroics. It’s so swishy. 9/10 (Book seven is 3/10 for me.)
WAIT WAIT WAIT!!! I just looked up the series to make sure I got the title of book seven right and found out THERE’S TWO MORE BOOKS!?! AAHHAJGAISUT AKUSFQILWDTG LJUGSD uskjzchBODJHG OQW OQUWD!!! *External screech, internal dying* AHHHH!!! I WAS MAD FOR OVER A YEAR BECAUSE OF HOW IT ENDED, BUT IT DiDn’T rEaLLy eNd?!? WWWHHHAAATTT??? This is not okay. !!!

Along for the Ride

By Sarah Dessen
Oh! I love this book! The main character is a nocturnal insomniac, just like me, haha! My favorite character is probably Eli, just because he knows the nightlife in his town and is willing to share it with Auden. I love all the names in this book. So creative and beautiful. There’s definately a little cussing and inappropriate notions contaminating this work of art, but it’s endurable. Sometimes the story can be a bit rough around the edges, but that’s what makes it so great. They don’t pretend life is easy or perfect. It’s very real. 7/10

The Fault in Our Stars

By John Green
Oh my. This book is another favorite. There’s some inappropriate scenes and bad language, but overall this book is amazing. I laughed and cried, and even watched the movie. I loved it. But be warned, John Green is a heart-breaker. He knows exactly how to create soft spots in your heart and then exploit them. The end of the book was crushing, and I still can’t read it again. But I thrive in the flourishing beauty of the characters and their miserable lives. My favorite character is Isaac, and my favorite scene was when he smashed things in Augustus’ room. Perhaps it was wrong of me, but he always makes me laugh when he’s angry. Being a bit clumsy was a wonderful touch. I would definately recommend this book to readers who are craving to feel raw emotions. Fighting cancer comes with its downsides, but there are upsides as well. That is made very clear in this story. 8/10

The Hero’s Guide to Saving Your Kingdom

By Christopher Healy
HahahahaHA this book was hilarious. I remember getting it from the library and thinking, “alright, let’s see what this is about..” Within the first five minutes, I was practically rolling on the floor with laughter. My favorite character was probably… well, all of the princes. But I especially liked Duncan. He cracks me up. This comedic squad fights their way to saving their kingdoms, despite the many, many things that stand between them and their goal. I wanted the book to never end! Even though their gals are feisty and sometimes rude, the princes charming (prince charmings?) never give up in doing what is right. This is a wonderfully well-written story that left me yearning for more adventures. I definately recommend!! 10/10

Ella Enchanted

By Gail Carson Levine
I was seriously surprised by this book. I had seen the movie, starring Anne Hathaway, and was expecting a semi-ridiculous kids story. But that’s not what it was at all! It was heartfelt and emotional, but also humorous and sweet. I love Ella and Char’s relationship. (Char is my favorite. 🙂 They’re so innocent and cute together!! It makes me want to squeal, which is something I don’t often do. But they’re sooo perfect for each other! Not to mention that their adventures draw them closer together. It’s a thrilling tale of crazy occurrences, spurred on by a curse. Great characters, great plot, great writing. No inappropriate scenes, and I don’t remember any cussing. It all ads up to an amazing book. 10/10

Phantom of the Opera

By Gaston Leroux
*Melts silently* ahhhh this is a good book. Enthralling characters and plot-twists that leave you with whiplash. Personally, I think Christine and Erik would be cute together. Not in a morbid way, just… he truly cares for her and it breaks my heart. And it doesn’t help that the Phantom is my favorite character. Raul is a good boy/man thing, but Erik is amazing. I realize that it isn’t good to romanticize bad people, but Erik is different for me. He reminds me of myself. He feels everything so very deeply, and I think he just doesn’t know what to do with it. Plus, cut the guy some slack. He hasn’t had many actual relationships in his life; he’s new to this stuff. Anyway, this is a beautiful story. The Phantom can be cold and unfair, but that’s what keeps things interesting. It’s not clean of cussing and there are some questionable scenes. But overall, I looove this book. 9/10

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner

By Stephanie Meyer
This story is so good. I’ve read all of the Twilight books, probably more than once. (Team Jacob!!!) I’ve always been a fan of fantasy creatures, so naturally, I’ll read whatever I can get my hands on. When I found out that there was a side story novella, I was super excited. My favorite character is either Fred or Diego. Fred because he’s a silent observer who respects Bree’s survival attempts, and Diego because he’s really a sweetheart. He treats Bree like a queen, even when she’s being rude or judgmental. It’s awesome. I love how the story is the same as Twilight but from the enemy’s side. And I had no idea what was going on until it was almost over! I don’t want to spoil anything, but I am REALLY mad about something that happened to Diego. The book would have been SO MUCH BETTER without that event. There’s a little bit of cussing and one questionable scene in this story, but ultimately, it’s SO worth it. I wouldn’t recommend reading this unless you’ve read Twilight, simply because it wouldn’t make a lot of sense and things would seem very random and weird. 9/10

Warm Bodies

By Isaac Marion
Wow. This book cusses a lot and there are more theoretically questionable inappropriate scenes than I care to admit. BUT, the story is truly amazing. This book poses the question: could the undead… un-die? This book answered questions I hadn’t even asked. Could zombies come back to life? Why is the brain what zombies go for? Could there be more than one kind of zombie? Would zombies get along? Could zombies resist humans if they wanted to? It astonishes me. So many interesting things that I’d never even considered. And then there’s Julie and R. They are flippin’ PERFECT for each other!! It breaks my heart that they have to go through what they do, but all good things come to those who wait and endure. I’ve always loved fictional theory, but this is a whole new level. (Don’t be creepy, don’t be creepy, don’t be creepy…) 7/10

My Sister the Vampire (Series)

By Sienna Mercer
Yes, this is a kids series. Yes, I love it anyway. I have laughed, cried, and changed my fashion style because of inspiration from these books. My favorite character is a tie between Ivy, Camilla, Brendan, and Jackson. (Go ahead, sue me. I can’t decide!!) I think one reason I love this series is because it’s so nice to read wistfully. To let myself dream about rock stars and movie deals, vampires and cheerleaders, twins and magic… It feels like stepping back into my inner child. I appreciate all that this series has done for me, if only cheering me up when I was having a rough day. There’re no inappropriate scenes or cussing, and there’s no blood or gore. Just teenage girls doing what teenage girls do. 10/10

Voyage on the Great Titanic

By Ellen Emerson White
Yes, it’s a history book. But I love it. My favorite character is Robert, a scrawny steward boy on the Titanic. He brings Margaret hot chocolate and shows her around, breaking numerous rules in order to show his affection for her. (He’s very smart and realizes quickly that feeding Margaret’s curiosity is the best way to win her attention.) I think my favorite thing about this book is that there are many small adventures going on as the major historical event takes place. The scene I love most is when the ship is sinking, but I won’t tell you what happens. You’ll have to read it for yourself. But… I cried. A lot. Just a heads up. 😉 There’s no cussing that I remember and no inappropriate scenes. It’s hard to read about the people dying, but other than that, this is an amazing book filled with love and passion. I adore it. 10/10

Alrighty folks! That’s all for today! If you even made it to the end, I’m proud of you! This was a very long post that took several days. I’m about to fall over with exhaustion, and I’m sure you are too! So I’ll leave you with the knowledge that there are always good books in the world. But keep in mind that

“One must always be careful of books, and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us.”

-Tessa Gray in “The Clockwork Angel” by Cassandra Clare

Please leave your favorite books in the comments below! I’d love to read what you suggest. 🙂

♡, Shortie

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